This course will cover the following topics: Safety Rules & Regulations; Security; IMTT Contractor Safety Packet/ ISNetworld; Hazard Notification; Safety Data Sheet (SDS); The HIT LIST; Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S); Benzene; Emergencies; First Aid; Medical Emergencies; The Work Permit Program; Job Safety Analysis (JSA); Types of Permits; Safe/Cold Work Permit; Hot Work Permit; Lock Out / Tag Out (LOTO) Permit; Confined Space Permit; Excavation Permit; General Permit Guidelines; Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE); Fall Protection; Respiratory Protection; Scaffolding; Stop Work Authority; Facial Hair Policy; No Smoking Policy; Cell Phone Policy; Safe Driving; Walking on pipelines; Personal Hygiene; Fire Protection; Spill Prevention; Additional Guidelines; Weather; and Housekeeping.