Course Requirements:
Dow SCO Lifts Near Power Lines (08SCOLNP)
Dow SCO Basic Site Specific Orientation/Refresher (08SCOSSB/R)
Dow SCO Isolation of Energy Sources (08SCOIES)
Dow SCO Scaffold User (08SCOSU)
Dow SCO Three Points of Control (08SCOPOC)
Basic Orientation Plus/Basic Orientation Plus Refresher (01BOP/01BOPR)
Social Security Verification (01SSV)
This course covers the following topics:
This Electrical Work Practice training defines the safety requirements for work performed on St. Charles Operations (SCO) property for lift work, or any elevated equipment activity, near power lines or fixed energized parts of a transmission or distribution system
The purpose is to protect personnel from electrical shock, electrocution and to prevent process safety incidents due to physical damage of power lines while traveling, assembling or disassembling lift equipment, performing lift work or any elevated equipment activity near the power lines
This work practice applies to any vehicle or mechanical equipment capable of having parts of its structure elevated near energized overhead lines or fixed energized parts of a transmission or distribution system